The term Psychotherapy covers a range of approaches and methods. They all involve a psychological (as distinct from medical or pharmacological) treatment for a range of psychological, emotional and relationship difficulties and disorders. Each approach is based on a well-established body of theory, methodology and research, grounded in a philosophy of person and the human condition.

EAP Governing Board, AGM and Committee meetings - Vienna 13 – 15 March 2025

EAP Governing Board, Annual General Meeting and Committee meetings
Sigmund Freud University,
Vienna 13 – 15 March 2025

All individual members and representatives or delegates of EAP member organizations are invited to join the meetings of the EAP Governing Board, Annual General Meeting, and EAP Committee meetings. Please inform the EAP office ( if you are planning to attend the Board meetings as there may be space restrictions (sometimes we can get a larger space if known in advance). Attendance is not possible online on this occasion (but you may ask a colleague to help with transmission from their laptop, of course).

EAP Newsletter February 2025

Welcome to our first EAP Newsletter edition for 2025.
This is another short newsletter with EAP updates, particularly about the EAP Board and General meetings in March as well as the next EAP -UUA Symposium which happens at a crucial time for Ukraine and for Europe. Moreover, some of you will have noticed that the EAP website has changed. EAP Vice President Catalin Zaharia offered his skills and expertise to help us rejuvenate the website. The new EAP website went 'live' at the start of 2025 to the delight of EAP officers and staff. While this development entails a necessary visual change (we did not own the legal rights to the previous website design), the most important changes are actually 'under the hood', namely in the much enhanced capacity to manage website based services improvements, for example introducing interactive features for EAP website users in future. But please be patient, the new EAP website is 'work in progress' and not everything will be available or quite function as intended straight away. In the meantime, please contact the EAP staff if you get stuck or cannot find a form document you require.

We hope you enjoy this Newsletter.

The EAP Newsletter Team

Anne Colgan, Andra Rampu, Tom Warnecke

Ukrainian And European Psychotherapy Alliance Seventh Symposium

Symposium Banner

Ukrainian And European Psychotherapy Alliance Seventh Symposium

"Times of War and Uncertainty: Mental Exhaustion, Loss, Grief, and Positive Developments in Psychotherapy"

Dear colleagues, for our Seventh Symposium of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance we are exploring the vital theme of the mental exhaustion of war, the scale of loss and grief, and how to continue when we are exhausted, and give us some hope and something positive to take us forward and give us courage. Participation in this Symposium is free for all. Participants will receive a certificate confirming their attendance at the 6-hour professional development course..

Participants will receive a certificate confirming their attendance at the 6-hour professional development course.

Free Registration

EAP Newsletter February 2024

Welcome to this EAP Newsletter. Our March Annual General Meeting, Board and Committee meetings took place on 14 – 16 March 2024 at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna. Here is a brief summary:

There have been no officer elections this year (elections take place every two years) and therefore no changes. Christina Winkler has been confirmed as the new ‘Chamber of Individual Members’ (CIM) Chair person following Nicole Aknin’s retirement last year. Alexander Reider, our Treasurer will step back next year and EAP are looking for somebody to step into this role. Some finance or business skills would be desirable as well as some familiarity with Austria since EAP is registered there. If you are interested, please contact Alexander for a conversation at

Support for Ukraine and other crisis zones: The Board received and discussed reports about the UUAP – EAP symposiums and European Room for Listening (ERL) activities. Board members also received a report about the ‘Leszno declaration of support for mental health for all psychotherapists’ ( You will find updates and further information about ERL and the UUP-EAP Symposia in this Newsletter.

The Board also heard and discussed a report about moving towards digital ECP Certificates. The technical details are still being explored before any decisions can be taken but the intention to move from paper to digital ECP Certificates itself seemed generally agreeable.

The next Board and Committee meetings on 17 – 19 October will online it was decided and the deadline for contributions to the next EAP Newsletter will be 6 September – in time for the October meetings.

For further details about the Vienna meetings, please contact for a copy of the provisional Board and provisional AGM minutes.

With warm wishes
Tom Warnecke
EAP General Secretary

UUP and EAP Joint Online Symposium – Friday February 23rd 2024 – “The Tragedy of Childhood in the Time of War.”

UUP and EAP Joint Online Symposium

In this Fourth Symposium, which is organized and held jointly by the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy and the European Association for Psychotherapy, we are turning our attention to children and the effect of war on children.

We are very pleased and proud to have distinguished speakers who are experts in the field of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. Dr. Vera Zimprich, Prof. Halyna Katolyk, Prof. Dr. Mykhailo Pustovoit, Asst. Prof. Kataryna Dzivak and Dr. Irena Bezić are giving their important presentations for both Ukrainian and European Psychotherapists.

Opening addresses with Patricia Hunt FRSA and Alexander Mironenko

EAP Newsletter January 2024

Welcome to this edition of the EAP Newsletter. Please note the information below about scheduled EAP events. For those of you new to the twice-yearly EAP Board and Committee meetings, we have uploaded a little guide. You will find this PDF document here: WELCOME

We hope you enjoy this Newsletter.

The EAP Newsletter Team

Anne Colgan, Andra Rampu, Tom Warnecke

"The Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma and Recovery from Trauma" (Friday 17 November 2023)

UUP, EAP and CAP Joint Online Symposium
Friday November 17th 2023 — 09.30am – 16.15pm CET

In this Third Symposium which is organized and held jointly by the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy, the European Association for Psychotherapy, and the Czech National Association for Psychotherapy, we are pleased and proud to have distinguished speakers Professor Mark Preiss and Professor Emmy van Deurzen giving their important presentations for Ukrainian Psychotherapists and European Psychotherapists.

We are also proud to present the outcome of a number of studies related to the mental health and resources of Ukrainian Psychotherapists as specialists at the forefront of social and mental changes. The results of this study will be presented by speakers Vladimir Pogorely (in the context of a sample of those Psychotherapists who left Ukraine), and Professor Kira Sedykh (on the sample of those who remained in Ukraine).

Finally, Olena Dobrodnyak, Head of the System and Family Therapy Section of the UUP, will summarize the overall findings of the report.

See more details in the post ...

The European Room for Listening

The European Room for Listening (ERL)

The European Room for Listening (ERL) project aims to offer support and professional listening at a time of war and multiple existential crises. The ERL is hosted by an international group of EAP psychotherapists from different countries.

Background, Idea, and Purpose

There is a war going on in Ukraine. It affects Ukraine, but it also affects neighboring countries that have received many refugees, as well as everyone in Europe. Psychotherapists in Ukraine and in neighboring countries need the attention and ears of their European colleagues. They need to share what they experience in being psychotherapists during this time of war and to endure the situation in their everyday lives. They need to share their doubts, their anger, and their fears with European colleagues who are willing to listen, so that their stories can be shared and we can help each other through this terrible situation.
