European Certificate of Psychotherapy

An European wide standard for psychotherapy education and training

The European Association for Psychotherapy has established the European Certificate of Psychotherapy to ensure the standardisation of the profession of Psychotherapy throughout Europe.

The European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) was established to create a comprehensive Europe wide standard for the profession of Psychotherapy. It ensures equal standards of education and training across Europe.

European Certificate of Psychotherapy

The ECP is awarded by EAP on application to psychotherapists who's psychotherapy education conforms to the ECP standard.

In addition to the ECP standard, EAP has established and defined the core professional competencies of a European psychotherapist as a set of principles or guidelines in relation to the professional practice of psychotherapy, in all its various forms, across Europe.

The European Certificate of Psychotherapy is currently in general alignment with ISO/IEC 17024 (2012).

Apply for an ECP

There are two possible ways to apply for an ECP:

How to Apply for an ECP

European Register of ECP Holders

All ECP holders are listed in the European Register of ECP Holders (ECP-R). This tool published on the EAP website enables the search for qualified practitioners all over Europe.

ECP holders receive information about the development of psychotherapy in Europe by e-mail. They may attend the EAP Board meetings as observers but have no voting rights.

Access Register

Fees Information

For the administration and maintenance of the EAP website and the ECP-R, ECP holders pay an annual registration fee. The amount varies according to the origin of ECP holders.

View Fee Schedule