EAP European Association for Psychotherapy

Association Européenne de Psychothérapie | Europäischer Verband für Psychotherapie Member of the World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP) NGO with consultative status to the Council of Europe Headoffice Eslarngasse 25/5 | 1030 Wien/Vienna/Austria eap.headoffice@europsyche.org
Petra Köcher Petra Köcher EAP Headoffice +43 664 467 76 33
Monday, Wednesday 10 AM - 4 PM and Friday: 10AM - 3PM
Ivana Mitrovic Ivana Mitrovic EAP Headoffice Monday, Thursday 7AM - 3PM and Friday: 7AM - 10PM Email

Payment information: payment.europsyche.org/
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