Situation of Psychotherapy in Romania - 2017: There are two forums for psychotherapy in Romania: The Romanian Psychotherapy Federation (FRP) and the College of Psychologists in Romania (CPR). CPR was established in May 27, 2005. Procedures for regulating the profession of psychologist in Romania were initiated by the Association of Psychologists in Romania. The CPR enforces the implementation of Law 213/2004 on the exercise of the profession of psychologist with the right of free practice, the establishment, organization and functioning of the Romanian College of Psychologists This law "deals exclusively with psychologists trained in the psychology departments... Those who will be assimilated will represent a very small number" (Normative acts-2005). According to Article 15 of the Methodological Norms of Law 213 (2) The competence in the field of psychotherapy can also be acquired by graduates of the faculties of general medicine (psychiatrists), social assistance, philosophy, pedagogy, theology, provided that the university studies are completed with a package of the specialized disciplines established by decision of the Steering Committee, as well as the complementary training according to the requirements of the present norms. FRP was founded in 2001, being a successor of The Romanian Psychotherapy Association (ARP) established in 1992 and member of EAP since 1993. Between 2001-2007, the FRP took steps for the draft of the psychotherapy law, a project that was rejected in Parliament. In this bill, the proposal was psychotherapy to be a profession. FRP is the umbrella organization for professional psychotherapeutic organizations in Romania and has as objectives the respite and the implementation of the international training and practice standards established by the EAP. At this time, most associations retain FRP membership. Training in psychotherapy is done through training programs within the associations. Most associations are FRP members. Both CPR and FRP accredit training programs. An important objective of FRP and CPR collaboration is adherence to international standards. In fact, in Romania psychotherapy is considered by law a specialization of psychology. According to the law of psychology no. 213, the term psychotherapist is psychologist psychotherapist in psychotherapy (practitioner, specialist and principal).