The term Psychotherapy covers a range of approaches and methods. They all involve a psychological (as distinct from medical or pharmacological) treatment for a range of psychological, emotional and relationship difficulties and disorders. Each approach is based on a well-established body of theory, methodology and research, grounded in a philosophy of person and the human condition.

"The Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma and Recovery from Trauma" (Friday 17 November 2023)

UUP, EAP and CAP Joint Online Symposium
Friday November 17th 2023 — 09.30am – 16.15pm CET

In this Third Symposium which is organized and held jointly by the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy, the European Association for Psychotherapy, and the Czech National Association for Psychotherapy, we are pleased and proud to have distinguished speakers Professor Mark Preiss and Professor Emmy van Deurzen giving their important presentations for Ukrainian Psychotherapists and European Psychotherapists.

We are also proud to present the outcome of a number of studies related to the mental health and resources of Ukrainian Psychotherapists as specialists at the forefront of social and mental changes. The results of this study will be presented by speakers Vladimir Pogorely (in the context of a sample of those Psychotherapists who left Ukraine), and Professor Kira Sedykh (on the sample of those who remained in Ukraine).

Finally, Olena Dobrodnyak, Head of the System and Family Therapy Section of the UUP, will summarize the overall findings of the report.

See more details in the post ...

The European Room for Listening

The European Room for Listening (ERL)

The European Room for Listening (ERL) project aims to offer support and professional listening at a time of war and multiple existential crises. The ERL is hosted by an international group of EAP psychotherapists from different countries.

Background, Idea, and Purpose

There is a war going on in Ukraine. It affects Ukraine, but it also affects neighboring countries that have received many refugees, as well as everyone in Europe. Psychotherapists in Ukraine and in neighboring countries need the attention and ears of their European colleagues. They need to share what they experience in being psychotherapists during this time of war and to endure the situation in their everyday lives. They need to share their doubts, their anger, and their fears with European colleagues who are willing to listen, so that their stories can be shared and we can help each other through this terrible situation.


UUP, EAP and CAP Joint Online Symposium Friday 17th November – “The Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma and Recovery from Trauma”

In this Third Symposium, organized and held jointly by the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy, the European Association for Psychotherapy, and the Czech National Association for Psychotherapy, we are pleased and proud to welcome distinguished speakers Professor Mark Preiss and Professor Emmy van Deurzen. They will share important presentations for Ukrainian Psychotherapists and European Psychotherapists.

To join »  |  Read more »

Introducing a pause of ECP Awards

Following on from the meeting of the Governing Board on 21st October 2023, EAP will introduce a pause to awarding ECP’s for a period of up to 3 months. This decision reflects the significant backlog in issuing and sending ECP due to major transitions in the organisation.

On behalf of the EAP Governing Board

EAP President EAP Registrar EAP General Secretary
EAP President EAP Registrar EAP General Secretary

In memory of Daniela Heinzl

Dear members of EAP, dear colleagues,

We are deeply saddened to inform you that our dear colleague and long-time member of the EAP Head-office team, Daniela Heinzl, passed away on 11th of July 2023.

Daniela Heinzl

It is hard to find proper words to express the sadness of losing such a colleague and friend, and such a deeply loving, wise, capable, compassionate person ...

Short interviews with the Heads and Members of the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy and the European Association of Psychotherapy following the Second Joint Symposium

Short Interviews with the Heads and Members of the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy and the European Association of Psychotherapy Following the Second Joint Symposium

Following the results of the Second Joint Symposium, representatives of the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy and the European Association for Psychotherapy answered journalists' questions in a short interview format. Irena Bezic, President of the EAP; Professor Alexander Filts, President of the UUP; Patricia Hunt FRSA, Former President of the EAP; Professor Larisa Didkovskaya, President of the Ukrainian Association of Gestalt Therapy; Professor Eugenijus Laurinaitis, Honorary Member of the European Association for Psychotherapy, answered the questions.