Positive Psychotherapy

Positive Psychotherapy (PPT after Peseschkian, since 1977) is a therapeutic approach developed by Nossrat Peseschkian and his colleagues in Germany. Originally known as Differentiational Analysis, PPT is a humanistic psychodynamic psychotherapy that focuses on the positive aspects of human nature. The aim of PPT is to help patients recognize their abilities, strengths, resources, and potentials, thereby fostering hope, balance, and consultation in their lives.

Positive Psychotherapy is an integrative psychotherapy method that is culturally-sensitive and conflict-centered, making it an effective therapeutic approach. Its innovative interventions and techniques are derived from a range of therapeutic modalities, including humanistic, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and existential approaches. PPT’s cohesive and integrated therapeutic system also uses stories, anecdotes, and wisdoms to enhance its therapeutic interventions.

Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy is a versatile method that finds application in various domains such as psychotherapy, counseling, education, prevention, management, and training. The approach’s cultural adaptability and sensitivity make it a widely preferred choice when working with diverse populations. PPT also provides tailored techniques and strategies for addressing a range of mental health disorders, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, PTSD, and personality disorders.

The three core principles of PPT are the Principle of Hope, the Principle of Balance, and the Principle of Consultation. The Principle of Hope emphasizes that the therapist’s aim is to support their patients in comprehending and recognizing the significance and intention behind their disorder or conflict. The patient gains insight that the symptoms and complaints of the illness serve as signals to bring their life back into balance.  Principle of Balance highlights that regardless of social and cultural distinctions and the individuality of each person, we all tend to respond similarly when confronted with difficulties and invest energy in the four fundamental areas of our life: body/sense, achievement/work, contact/relationship, future/purpose/meaning of life.  The Principle of Consultation emphasizes the importance of collaboration and shared decision-making between therapists and patients or clients, thereby fostering a therapeutic alliance that empowers patients and clients to take control of their lives.

PPT in Europe is represented by the European Federation of Centers for Positive Psychotherapy (EFCPP), which is an EWAO of the EAP and a suborganization of the World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (WAPP), the international umbrella organization of Positive Psychotherapy. Our PPT trainings are in accordance with the training standards of the International Academy for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (IAPP), which is an EAPTI of the EAP. The Wiesbaden Academy for Psychotherapy (WIAP) is an affiliated institute of WAPP and IAPP and is also an EAPTI.  

WAPP consists of national associations, national and regional training institutes, centers, representative offices, and more than 2,000 individual members in 45 countries. Our trainings are offered in more than 20 countries by approx. 50 training centers and over 160 accredited PPT trainers.

European Federation of Centers for Positive Psychotherapy (EFCPP)
Luisenstrasse 28, 65185 Wiesbaden, GERMANY
Phone: +49 611 450 34 40
Fax: +49 611 450 34 24

Secondary office: International Academy for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy
Langgasse 38-40, D-65183 Wiesbaden, Germany
Tel. +49-611-3411674
Fax: +49-611-3411676


Psychotherapists are required to engage in extensive personal psychotherapy during their training which is up to seven years duration. Psychotherapists usually have a first degree followed by a professional, highly specialised, theoretical and clinical training which includes research methodology and continuous professional development. The EAP promotes the recognition of common standards of training throughout Europe, and will ensure their mobility across member states.
