We partnered with PESI UK, the largest psychotherapy online education provider in Europe, to bring you the very best and latest continuing professional development (CPD), education, and events across psychotherapy…
Find a copy of our newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/europsyche.org/eap-member-information-880606?e
Late Breaking Submission Deadline 25 November 2019 Late breaking abstract submission is open, giving you one last chance to join the scientific program at #AATADPD 2020 in Vienna! Take this important step…
The ECP is essentially a “training certificate", a recognition that a person has been trained to a level recognised by a national and/or modality professional psychotherapy organisations represented within EAP.…
Find a copy of our newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/europsyche.org/eap-member-information-836321
Psychotherapists are required to engage in extensive personal psychotherapy during their training which is up to seven years duration. Psychotherapists usually have a first degree followed by a professional, highly specialised, theoretical and clinical training which includes research methodology and continuous professional development. The EAP promotes the recognition of common standards of training throughout Europe, and will ensure their mobility across member states.