Video Recordings – Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance Fifth Symposium – Friday June 14th 2024 – “Relationships in the Time of War”

June 28, 2024

Opening Addresses with Patricia Hunt FRSA, Alexander Filts, Patrons Oleksandr Korniyenko and Cristian Bușoi (Fifth Symposium of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance, June 14, 2024):

“Psychodynamics in Wartime Dynamics” – lecture by Dmytro Zaleskyi, Ukrainian Association of Analytical Psychology (Fifth Symposium of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance, June 14, 2024):

“No war within ourselves – the relation with oneself during crises” – lecture by Gabriella Hum, President of the Association for Positive Psychotherapy (Fifth Symposium of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance, June 14, 2024):

“Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma and its Reactivation in Wartime: a Case Presentation” – lecture by Khrystyna Turetska, Assoc. Professor, Ukrainian Catholic University (Fifth Symposium of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance, June 14, 2024):

“Love as a Guiding Light in Times of War: Refuge and Source of Strength” – lecture by Ramona M. Covrig, Vice President of Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy (Fifth Symposium of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance, June 14, 2024):

“The Importance of Trans-national Relationships in the Time of War” – lecture by Vibeke Lubanski, European Room for Listening (Fifth Symposium of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance, June 14, 2024):

Round Table of all Speakers with moderators Professor Roman Kechur, Ukrainian Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy, and Professor Eugenijus Laurinaitis, EAP General Secretary (Fifth Symposium of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance, June 14, 2024):

Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance Fifth Symposium – Friday June 14th 2024 – “Relationships in the Time of War”

For our Fifth Symposium the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance are delighted to be joined by the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy. We are honoured that Mr Cristian Bușoi, European Parliamentarian from Romania, will be the Patron (tbc) for our Symposium and will give an address in the morning session. We have two excellent speakers from Romania, and two excellent speakers from Ukraine with first-hand experience of relationships and war. Finally we have a speaker from the European Room for Listening, an EAP initiative.

Our first four Symposia have been moving, extraordinary and wonderful events, with more than 1000 Psychotherapists registered to join each one. We warmly invite you to attend our Fifth Symposium. The theme of “Relationships in the Time of War” will be explored on a number of levels – internal dynamics and relationship; personal relationships; social relationships; traumatic relating; trans-national relationships. It is undoubtedly true that war opens up new relationships and new relating. This is evident in our excellent team of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance, who have created the Symposia and are sustaining them and giving them life. We would not have met had it not been for the war. Our relationships are committed, rich and deeply humane and we are full of gratitude for each other. In the middle of the destruction and uncertainty of war relationships can become a refuge, and a reminder of our humanity and the values that define us as humans.

We cordially invite European Psychotherapists to join with Ukrainian Psychotherapists in this Fifth Symposium, as it is vital for our Ukrainian colleagues that they have the opportunity to be connected with, and in relationship with, colleagues from other European countries as they face their challenging lives in the present, and prepare for their future. The benefit is felt by both Ukrainian and European Psychotherapists!

Patricia Hunt FRSA
Chair of the Ukrainian and European Psychotherapy Alliance