The term Psychotherapy covers a range of approaches and methods. They all involve a psychological (as distinct from medical or pharmacological) treatment for a range of psychological, emotional and relationship difficulties and disorders. Each approach is based on a well-established body of theory, methodology and research, grounded in a philosophy of person and the human condition.

UUP and EAP Second Joint Symposium “New Challenges for Psychotherapists.”

Friday June 16th 2023 09.30am – 16.00pm CET

UUP and EAP Second Joint Symposium 16th June 2023(PDF)

Abstracts and Speakers - UUP and EAP Second Joint Symposium June 16th 2023(PDF)

This is a free event and equivalent to 6.5 hours of professional development. 

It is necessary to register for this Symposium and the registration link is: