The term Psychotherapy covers a range of approaches and methods. They all involve a psychological (as distinct from medical or pharmacological) treatment for a range of psychological, emotional and relationship difficulties and disorders. Each approach is based on a well-established body of theory, methodology and research, grounded in a philosophy of person and the human condition.

Trip of Ukrainian Delegion to Vienna

Photo-report (in epistolary-reflexive genre) of the member of Secretariat of UUAP Mr. Andrii Molodorych about the trip of Ukrainian delegation of psychotherapists-volunteers in a sphere of psychological help to the participants of Maydan and ATO (anti-terroristic operation), refugees from Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapy to Vienna (Austria) for the invitation of European Association for Psychotherapy Trip Ukrainian Delegation to Vienna (Nov 2016) (pdf, 7.722,7 KB)

War and Psychotherapy – Latvian social & rehabilitation camp for Ukrainian colleagues

The Latvian National Awarding Organisation (LPA) organised a social and rehabilitation camp for Ukrainian colleagues in 2015. Please have a look at the power point presentation providing more information about this activity. Download Powerpoint (12 MB) WAR AND PSYCHOTHERAPY During the heightened events of the war zone in Ukraine ukrainian psychotherapists working as volunteers. Such intensive work conditions as victims as well as assisting affects not only the physical, but also mental health. Latvian Psychotherapy Association organized two summer camps for psycho-emotional rehabilitation of Ukrainian psychotherapists who have more than a year worked intensively hostilities in the region. The aim of the camp was to help the Ukrainian psychotherapists rework the traumatic experience, reduce burnout syndrome risks, and restore healthy physical and psycho-emotional condition to be able to return to their land t

Vienna Declaration dated 6th of December 2014 “Crisis in the Ukraine – psychotherapeutic approaches”

Declaration: We, the below signing professionals, participants in the Conference “Crisis in Ukraine-psychotherapeutic approaches” want to declare : Psychotherapy is aimed to help people to regain psychological wellbeing and restore mental health. Our work is guided by strong ethical guidelines, that are based on human rights and not subdued to political ideology or belief systems. We support our colleague psychotherapists in their on going work where ever this takes place. Under no circumstances our work must be used in favour of any war, whether in its preparation or contributing to on going processes of military actions. By EAP 0 0 Read more

Heward Wilkinson – EAP Honorary Membership & Farewell from EAP

At the EAP Board meetings in Vienna on February 14th and 15th, 2014 Heward Wilkinson retired from his functions within the EAP. After more than 20 years being active in the association, Heward felt it was time to say good-bye. Heward was one of the few members of the EAP Board who represented both a National Umbrella Organisation (UKCP) and a European-wide Awarding Organisation (European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy). For this reason, during his representation Heward participated in various EAP Committees and acquired a broad knowledge of EAP procedures and policies. Heward's precise thinking, his wisdom, his breadth of knowledge of psychotherapy and his skill with language, meant that his contributions in difficult or complex discussions, were hugely influential. The EAP will sorely miss his expertise and his enthusiasm. To honour his achievements for the EAP, the Board unanimously agreed to grant Honorary Membership to him. During the meeting of the European-wide Orga

EAP Board Meetings Rome – October 14-15, 2011

The last EAP Board meetings were held from October 14th to 15th, 2011 in Rome, Italy. The venue of the meetings in the city centre was in comfortable walking distance to the famous St. Peter´s Dome and the Vatican City State. Thank to the collaboration of both Italian National Awarding Organisations, the Federazione Italiana delle Associazioni di Psicoterapia (FIAP) and the Federatione delle Associazione Italiana de Psicoterapia (FAIP), the EAP Board members were invited to a most interesting guided tour through the Vatican Museum followed by a delicious dinner in a traditional Italian restaurant. This very attractive social event on Friday night gave the Board members the opportunity to both get involved in Rome´s cultural life and at the same time enjoy themselves after a long day of intensive meetings. Apart from many interesting discussions amongst psychotherapists from all over Europe, the EAP Board meetings in Rome were also dedicated to saying good-bye to some Board members. Is

EAPs 20th anniversary & farewell Serge Ginger (Registrar) and Regina Hilbert (Treasurer)

The EAP Board meetings in Vienna on February 18th and 19th, 2011 were not only dedicated to hard work and intensive discussions but also to celebrations and good-byes. Serge Ginger who held the post of EAP Registrar for ten years decided to resign from this office. During his term of office he carefully checked and signed more than 5.000 ECP applications from 54 different countries. The Registrar’s position involves daily correspondence with the head office and representatives and a tremendous amount of work. Serge Ginger did this job with great success and passion. For several years Serge worked closely together with Ivana Slavkovic who will assume the position this year. The EAP Treasurer Regina Hilbert who was elected at the AGM in Vilnius in 2005 also resigned. In her term of office she succeeded to improve the EAP´s financial situation remarkably. She was always keen on making financial transactions and the EAP budget transparent for the EAP Board and all EAP members. Her succes