Membership in EAP comes in different categories:
  1. Organisational membership
  2. Individual membership
  3. Affiliate membership
Organisational membership Organisational members have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). According to the EAP Statutes the number of votes are proportional to the number of your paying members and varies from 1 to 15 votes. Organisational members are also invited to participate as observers in the EAP Board meetings and in many EAP committee meetings (please confirm with the committee chair person at the start of the meeting). The EAP head office sends out an information packages to all members approximately two weeks before the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) with reports from the EAP officers and other pertinent information. Members will be informed about all points on the agenda of the AGM in detail by this mailing. Benefits of EAP organisational membership include a free subscription of the International Journal for Psychotherapy ( Members will be informed of special offers available to members, for example regarding events, or video recordings of events, whenever these become available. The EAP head office also sends out relevant information about psychotherapy in Europe and the EAP newsletter by e-mail on a regular basis. Become a member Individual membership EAP individual members have the possibility to discuss at the meeting of the Chamber of Individual members which takes place before the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The chair of this chamber is a member of the EAP Executive and Board and speaks and votes on behalf of the individual members. Individual members are very welcome to participate as observers in any EAP Board meeting and in many EAP committee meetings (please confirm with the committee chair person at the start of the meeting). The EAP head office sends out an information packages to all members approximately two weeks before the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) with reports from the EAP officers and other pertinent information. Members will be informed about all points on the agenda of the AGM in detail by this mailing. EAP membership benefits include a free subscription of the International Journal for Psychotherapy ( Members will be informed of special offers available to members, for example regarding events, or video recordings of events, whenever these become available. The EAP head office also sends out relevant information about psychotherapy in Europe and the EAP newsletter by e-mail on a regular basis. Become a member Affiliate membership The EAP offers affiliated membership to persons or organisations who have an interest in psychotherapy and would like to receive information about the latest developments on a regular basis but do not fulfil the criteria for full EAP membership. Affiliated members are invited to participate in EAP Board meetings but have no voting rights. Become a member