EAP membership - How to apply?

The Membership Committee (MC) considers all applications for organisational and individual membership in accordance with the relevant membership requirements defined in the EAP Statutes (these sets of criteria are listed on the application form pages):

Individual Applications

  1. The EAP headoffice receives your application and checks if there are documents missing
  2. Please make sure that you send all documents in English
  3. The EAP headoffice sends a copy of your application to each member of the membership committee and to the relevant Ordinary EAP Member Organisation
  4. The EAP headoffice will contact you if there are any additional documents needed
  5. The membership committee votes for your acceptance at one of its meetings
  6. The EAP headoffice sends a welcome letter to you in case of acceptance

Organisational Applications

  1. The EAP headoffice receives your organisation's application and checks if there are documents missing
  2. Please make sure that all documents are sent in English
  3. The EAP headoffice sends a copy of the application to each member of the membership committee
  4. The EAP headoffice will contact you if there are any additional documents needed
  5. The membership committee votes for your acceptance at one of its meetings
  6. The EAP head office sends a welcome letter to you in case of acceptance

Affiliated Members